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Late 12th / Early 13th Century Kit

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Hi All.

This is my first post. I have had the pleasure of meeting Sir Brian at MDRF. And Das Bill at VFA when I was enrolled there, although I have never had the privilege of taking one of his HS classes. I was hoping to get a little advice and/or criticism of my current kit.

I have:

1. A gambeson ..
2. A Norman tunic.
3. Black hosen.
4. Flat riveted chain mail steel hauberk.
5. Butted steel chain mail leggings ..
6. Butted steel chain mail coif.
7. Teutonic Knight surcoat ..
8. Period Boots (Black)
9. Several period belts. One I wear over ribs to aid with Hauberk carrying. 1 Knights Belt w/sword frog. And one for aesthetic purposes to enclose my surcoat.
10. Several functional period swords including G2 Teutonic, and Darksword Norman.
11. One small convex tear-drop shield painted with my own chi-rho Cross design.
12. Chain mail gauntlets ..

My main concern is that something is egregiously wrong, anachronistic, or just plain silly. Would there be something you gentlemen would switch immediately in this kit? What should be my next purchase?

I was considering, for example: as right now my leggings are simply tied over my boots with leather strips.

And this belt:

Any foolishness you might save me from will be most appreciated.

I will put up a series of photos as soon as I can, if it helps.

Thank you.

Sir Wolf:
greetings and welcome.

I would not get the boat coverings I know of no such monster in period ;)  I 'm not quiet sure what you mean by tied leggings etc? there are statues in which you can see mail leggings tied at just below the knee area.

your kit reads to be pretty good so far. but pictures of the entire thing would be better heheeh, encase you couldn't tell we love photos here.

how long are the sleeves on your hauberk?
I would remove the metal from the cuffs of the gauntlets
Do you have a padded coif to wear under the mail coif?
is your surcoat sewn up the sides? how long is it?

Sir Edward:
I'd love to see pictures of the whole thing too.  As Wolf said, it reads pretty good.

The kinds of historical accuracy errors you probably have are the same ones that plague all of us, just because commodity off-the-shelf armor usually is made with certain flaws. It typically lacks the tailoring that's necessary to make it act like a "second skin". This is particularly true with the sleeves and leggings. Looking at your avatar photo, it looks like the sleeves are about 3/4 or 2/3 length, and of course you have the MRL style mail gauntlets. In the late 12th and early 13th, this should be a full length sleeve with integrated gauntlet, and the sleeves should be tapered to contour with the lower arm instead of gaping open. Since what you have is riveted, this would be hard to change on the existing hauberk, but not impossible. The half sleeves work well if you move into the early 14th and start wearing some plate elements. But personally, this is one area I don't mind cheating on, just because of the availability of armor and the impracticality of tailoring it yourself.

This goes for the leggings too. It's hard to make a "one size fits all" offering that will fit people and move correctly. Most people end up with a baggy mail tube hanging over their legs. Unless you make it yourself, I'm not sure this can be avoided. But since you mentioned it's butted links, you can always taper it by removing material, and add some expansion triangles around the knee area so it still bends properly. The legs are probably the hardest to deal with, because there are so few offerings out there, and as I'm discovering, the tailoring of it is just a nightmare. Most people, I think, tend to overlook this and don't wear leg armor if they're trying to do a 12 century sort of look. The fact that you have mail chauses is awesome. :)

Please don't take any of this as criticism! It's great that you're including all of these components, and I'm just pointing out these things because you asked. My kit has suffered from some of the same problems, and it's an on-going struggle to improve it. In some ways, I'm still less period correct with round butted aluminum mail, but I started making it before you could buy all this great riveted stuff that's out there now.

It's always useful to know where you are inaccurate and where you can improve things. :)

Speaking of the mail gauntlets, how do you like them? I just ordered a pair myself, and my plan is to take the plate cuffs off.


--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2009-09-04, 11:32:05 ---greetings and welcome.

I would not get the boat coverings I know of no such monster in period ;)  I 'm not quiet sure what you mean by tied leggings etc? there are statues in which you can see mail leggings tied at just below the knee area.

your kit reads to be pretty good so far. but pictures of the entire thing would be better heheeh, encase you couldn't tell we love photos here.

how long are the sleeves on your hauberk?
I would remove the metal from the cuffs of the gauntlets
Do you have a padded coif to wear under the mail coif?
is your surcoat sewn up the sides? how long is it?

--- End quote ---

Thank you, Sir Wolf. Was almost ready to click the purchase button on the boot coverings. As it is now, I tighten the leggings with leather ties so that they aren't flapping around. The sleeves on my hauberk reach just below the elbow, and these I also tighten with leather ties. I do have a padded arming cap to wear under the coif, forgot to mention that. My surcoat is open on the sides, and reached to my shins.

I will remove the plate from my gauntlets this weekend as well. But should I then look into getting some leather or metal bracers?

Again, as soon as I can convince someone to take some photos of me, I will do so. This weekend. Even if I have to threaten a peasant....

Sir Edward:

Excellent, using ties to secure the mail is a great idea!

Oh, and welcome to the forum! :)


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