Main > The Courtyard
Great longsword videos
Todd Sullivan:
Sir Griff,
Come to Chivalric Weekend this summer and you will recieve a wealth of training and knowledge :) Das Bill will be there teaching as well as Christian Tobler.
Hopefully I will be able to take class or two. I'm diffently taking Das Bill's classes and hoping to pull him aside at the end of the day for some rapier :-X
There will be intruction in longsword, messer, sword and buckler, german dagger, wrestling and pole arms.
Sir Griff:
I would gladly do so, but I don't live in the US, Todd.
In Europe I lie, in the Eastern half. Romania, to be exact.
Das Bill:
--- Quote from: Todd Sullivan on 2008-10-17, 14:08:50 --- There will be intruction in longsword, messer, sword and buckler, german dagger, wrestling and pole arms.
--- End quote ---
Who's teaching messer, Todd?
Todd Sullivan:
--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2008-10-20, 19:46:55 ---
--- Quote from: Todd Sullivan on 2008-10-17, 14:08:50 --- There will be intruction in longsword, messer, sword and buckler, german dagger, wrestling and pole arms.
--- End quote ---
Who's teaching messer, Todd?
--- End quote ---
Todd Sullivan:
These are other videos I enjoy watching. Bill what is your thoughts on these?
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