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Author Topic: C2E2  (Read 12672 times)


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« on: 2017-04-23, 15:16:30 »
One of the premier events of fandom occurs this weekend in Chicago called C2E2. Think comic con meets anime, cosplay, and various other genres.

The wife and I went and here is my report.

A WONDERFUL King Arthur with squire following with coconuts. They galloped everywhere! Shouts of " I didn't vote for you" and " what kind of swallow?" Could be heard as he approached.

A younger cosplayer had done himself up as the wizard Tim. I of course yelled " Hi Tim" and he yelled back " you know me!! YES!!!" It's a sad day when the youth do not know who Tim is and knights who say Ni.

The local sword fighting group from Chicago was on scene. Had a wonderful talk with them and signed up for a raffle of a pretty nice sword ( not sure the make, too many people roaming about and didn't want to ask to get a closer look) they had a great helm, pig face bassinet and various other armor and swords laid out for display.

Across from them was the poly sword people. Both of these tables caused a huge traffic jam for that aisle. It was good to see the amount of interest generated by both.

The one couple cosplay that intrigued me was a knight and his lady. He had a pretty good kit on, but I couldn't get close to him to ask his interest as it was a madhouse in that area. Then we never crossed paths again ( maybe next year)

Once I get the kit going I will for sure go in it.  Then I can stand next to the Medieval Times guys and compare armor 😜


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Re: C2E2
« Reply #1 on: 2017-04-24, 01:07:39 »
Got pics?
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Re: C2E2
« Reply #2 on: 2017-04-30, 02:10:12 »
Well it seems the site didn't like my image. For some reason it did not post my last reply.

Anywho, we only took three photos this year. Myself with Hagrid , the wife with a Lego Wonder Woman sculpture , and both of us with a very well done Doctor Strange.

I am guessing the jpeg was a bit large? Not sure.

Sir Rodney

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Re: C2E2
« Reply #3 on: 2017-05-01, 02:47:56 »
Like!   :)

Post them pics!

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"Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history." - Roger the Shrubber