Main > The Armoury

Recent Dagger Project


Paulus von Zurich:
Had a blade laying around from Atlanta Cutlery and I decided it needed to be hilted. With some help from my good friend Mark from CLANG Armory we turned this out back around the first of the year.

Sir Rodney:
Very cool!  I love DIY projects.  :)

Can you share a step-by-step process?  Which blade was it that you used?

Paulus von Zurich:
Thanks Rodney, it's the Arkansas toothpick blade.

I don't have a detailed step by step process that I can post. It is pretty straightforward that I cut a cross out of a scrap piece of steel and fitted it to the blade. After that I carved a handle from a piece of scrap oak, drilled a hole and then burned through the grip after heating the tang to a dull red. The pommel was then turned by my friend on his metal lathe and then he milled it to fit the tang. After it was all assembled, I covered the grip in thin goat leather. The scabbard is fashioned from two pieces of thick saddle skirting leather and then covered with goat.

Sir Rodney:
Awesome.   8)

I've seen so many people do cool things with that blade.  Well done!


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