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Concussions, informed consent, and CTE

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Sir William:
We're all manly men though, aren't we?  We hate anyone who might tell us we're not 100% ready to go at any moment (despite the fact, at least in my case, that it hasn't been that way in years).  With that said, get to know your doctor and make sure they get to know you.  The person responsible for your overall health is you, but the very next one responsible is your doctor.

Matthew of the Isles:
I've been concerned about just this very thing when it comes to armoring up and getting into clubbing fights. I rather need my brain, such as it is,  and would hate to see it scrambled. I'm certainly not going to be able to market my looks to make a living. But what has concerned me is the question of whether my natural caution has crossed the line into outright cowardice. 

Jon Blair:

--- Quote from: Matthew of the Isles on 2017-10-24, 03:00:42 ---I've been concerned about just this very thing when it comes to armoring up and getting into clubbing fights. I rather need my brain, such as it is,  and would hate to see it scrambled. I'm certainly not going to be able to market my looks to make a living. But what has concerned me is the question of whether my natural caution has crossed the line into outright cowardice.

--- End quote ---
"Clubbing" fights, jousts, "reenactment" battles, and the like are sports for entertainment, not realities of life as they were for knights back in the day. It's not cowardice to say, "I value my health and well-being, and I don't want to risk it with a dangerous activity," especially if you have others depending on your health and well-being. Cowardice is having a lack of courage, thus being unwilling to do that which you know to be necessary and correct due to fear of danger, difficulty, or opposition of others. No one will die or be hurt if you don't fight in a clubbing fight. You didn't give your word to defend the realm in a reenactment battle. So, there is no necessity to do the thing, hence no cowardice.

Matthew of the Isles:
There is wisdom to your words. I thank you for it.


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