Main > The Armoury

Helmet insignia

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Sir Patrick:

--- Quote from: Sir Sondergaard on 2016-08-29, 23:45:47 ---Sir Patrick, it looks good. Can you please tell me how you made it?

--- End quote ---

Paper mache "clay" (Google it) over a cardstock skeleton. Cardstock feathers and wings were added and wooden beads for the eyes. The whole thing was then covered in about 10 thin coats of diluted wood glue, sanded and gilded with gold foil.

An historic one would have been caved from wood (Sir Douglas made s beautiful one for Sir Humphrey here), or made of leather (stitched, moistened, and then filled with sand to dry. This shapes the leather). Embellishments made of gesso would have been added on and then the whole thing painted.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Sondergaard on 2016-08-29, 23:45:47 ---Sir James, do you have a link? If I search for Knightly Arms, I find several businesses....

Sir Patrick, it looks good. Can you please tell me how you made it?

--- End quote ---

Arts, not Arms :)

Sir Brian:
I modified mine from a wood carving done by special request of a wood carver that did predominately dragons...hence  the dragonish appearance of my griffon. ;)

Sir Sondergaard:
I thank you all good SirĀ“s, for your answers  :)

Sir James, I found it, thanks  ;)


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