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PA Ren Faire

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Lady Jouster:
Looks like we will be going to PA this Saturday (8/27). If anyone else is going to be there, we'd love to meet up and say hello!

Dang. This weekend? We're heading up to Maine, Cape Cod, and Revere Beach & North Boston to hang with my wife's new boss. Have to make friendly with the yokels.

Sir Nate:
That's my last night of work for the summer... my home fair too  :'(
Have fun!

Jon Blair:
I plan on going sometime when the temperatures are a bit cooler, late September or early October.

Lady Jouster:
Ah well, there's always a next time! We like the cooler weather too, but went today because it's dog days so we were able to take the wolfhound and meet up with a friend and her dog.


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