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New kit goal ideas?


I'm changing time periods for a few reasons including health.

So what kind of kit should I go for? I know I want it to use a helm/greathelm combo or a bacinet with klappavisor but that's as far as my head got.

Jon Blair:
I was having my own issues with coming up with a kit. I'm thinking for myself a late thirteenth century English knight. Still mostly maille, with great helms en vogue, and minimal plate (knees and maybe elbows at most). Considering I've an Albion Knight and an A&A Morgan Bible dagger on order, I think it will work.

I'm willing to share the idea for this era kit though if you are interested. :)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2016-07-07, 03:36:42 ---I'm changing time periods for a few reasons including health.

So what kind of kit should I go for? I know I want it to use a helm/greathelm combo or a bacinet with klappavisor but that's as far as my head got.

--- End quote ---

You always spoke on liking the Pembridge style. Why not try it out. :)


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