Main > The Armoury

Improving my faire kit

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2009-06-05, 13:46:02 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2009-06-04, 18:32:30 ---
The dragon was 2 pounds maybe. I never weighed it. The leather one is crazy light. A few ounces at most.

--- End quote ---

just got an email back. the seller said it weight somewhere in the 1.5 to 2 pound mark.  whatya think? should I get it and paint it?

--- End quote ---

If you can get it for a decent price you might as well! I have several "rejected" crests laying about.  ;)

Sir Wolf:
its up to 20.50 after shipping and i'm finally the high bidder. less than 24 hrs to go so I'm sure to be outbid

Sir Brian:
None of those vinyl goat figures tickled your fancy?

If your heraldry is suppose to be an argent goat I think painting whatever crest you choose
with a metallic silver paint would really set it off as opposed to just a basic white.  :-\

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2009-06-05, 19:35:29 ---None of those vinyl goat figures tickled your fancy?

If your heraldry is suppose to be an argent goat I think painting whatever crest you choose
with a metallic silver paint would really set it off as opposed to just a basic white.  :-\

--- End quote ---

na they weren't big enough. most were only 2 to 3 inches at max. my daughter i think even has one now that i think about it in her farm animal barn in the basement. the metal one will do fine I think. I'll be able to screw it onto a board and then maybe use the magnates to attach it to the helmet

how did you guys make the cloth part? is there a certain shape that I'm after or just drape it till it looks cool? ehehhe

Sir Brian:
The mantle?
Well I did a basic one foot by two foot rectangle and my lovely assistant did the
stylistic draping and folding until it looked good. The folds are kept in place with a single,
craftily hidden safety pin. ;)


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