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Chainmail sleeves elbow expansion

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Hi all
I am new to the wonderful world of chainmail crafting and I need some help. I am making fitted chainmail sleeves down to my wrist and I am tapering them down with hole row contractions. My problem is what kind of expansions do you use to make space in the elbows (elbow pouch) for a better range in motion? I know there is the knot row expansion, any help would be greatly appreciated it. Also the direction of the rings on my sleeves are open hang ( pattern going along my arm not around it)

Sir James A:
Are you doing this yourself? You may want to talk to Tom Biliter on Facebook, he does this... I've never tried to do it myself.

Sir Wolf:
i know JamesB used to talk about making diamond shaped expansions in certain areas

Yes i am making this my self, thanks for the advise. I have completed the whole sleeve and the arm movement so far i can move it about 90 degrees before the chainmail stops me.  I will try to research some more and take both of your advise and hopefully i can get some more arm movement

Attached is an image of an original mail sleeve and under it, a reproduction.  The twisty ties on the original are marking every tailoring ring.  The tailoring rings are black on the reproduction for visibility.  You can see there are a couple gores, and rows of expansions in both the elbow and the armpit.  The reproduction was made by Tom Biliter.  You can find him at  You'll also see he has higher resolution images of the same.


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