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Tasha's Charles de Blois article, including pattern, are now ... free!!!


Sir James A:
This is directly from her site, endorsed by her, and completely legal. Just want to point that out.

Get to sewing! :D


--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2015-11-27, 04:24:14 ---This is directly from her site, endorsed by her, and completely legal. Just want to point that out.

Get to sewing! :D

--- End quote ---

Not quite. This is her article on her study, examination and reproduction of the Charles VI Pourpoint.  It has nothing to do with the Charles de Blois garment or pattern she sells.  Very different animals, different construction, different purposes.   The article she just released for free was an article she published in a German journal a year or two ago after her trip to France to study the original Charles VI pourpoint / jupon.  She then built a reconstruction of it and spoke to it at the Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo a couple years ago.  Different 14th century French guy named Charles, and different type of 14th century garment :)

Sir Nate:
Did you say Medieval Congress?

Sir James A:
Ah, I thought the pattern on 161-163 is what she based hers off of. Also thought Charles VI was possibly Charles de Blois. I've done a lovely job at screwing up on both of those.

So, uhh, for those who want to reproduce Charles VI's pourpoint, there you go.


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