Main > The Armoury

A Sword Maker to add to the Links Page

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Sir Edward:

Well, since she wears the fairy stuff to faire, I think it's only fair to wear the armor to the fairy festival!!

(say that three times fast).

Sir Brian:
I've looked into the feasibility of going as an armored fairy but it just doesn't work. The size of the
wings I'd have to wear to compensate for the weight to lift ratio would make me look like a B-2
bomber!  :D

Besides they don't allow weapons of any kind, not even my maryland "special".  :(

Guess I'm stuck with ye ole kilt.

Sir Wolf:
but i found a way you can do your hair for the part at least ;)


 "Stuck wth ye ole kilt."......Dammit man! Ya' pander that aroung like its a bad thing!
  Shame on ya' boyo, are ya' mad? ;)

Sir Brian:
Never! It is me second favorite garb after armor of course!  ;)

But my kilt is old since it is my first one I ever owned and I haven't picked up my
new leather one yet which I will hopefully get next Sunday at VARF if it is ready! ;D

At Sir Wolf:
Lol...You have entirely too much time on your hands! ;)


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