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Armstreet Armour?



I wondered if any of you had any thoughts about the quality/fit/functionality/accuracy of Armsstreet. They have what alleged to be a pretty snazzy looking Agincourt styled harness for around $4K. See here:

It's definitely a fantasy take on some historically inspired armor, but beyond that there are also some functional problems.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2015-10-24, 00:11:11 ---It's definitely a fantasy take on some historically inspired armor, but beyond that there are also some functional problems.

--- End quote ---
Im not quite the plate armor expert. But that breastplate needs more room where the shoulders meet the torso, so the person can more easily keep their arms in front of them.

Sir Rodney:
True, but it's an improvement over the GDFB Churburg atrocity which costs $1,700. 

I should know as I have the bascinet.  With the time and modifications I have in that one piece, I should've just bought a good bascinet for $1,000+   ::)

Sir James A:
Definitely an improvement over the GDFB, but at more than double the price, one would hope so.

At $4k, I'd go for a tailored harness, rather than an off the shelf. For mild steel, it's a reasonable goal.


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