Main > The Armoury

Weapon Fusion

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Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Mike W. on 2015-10-20, 17:10:00 ---I'd combine an axe with a spear and a war hammer.

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A War Flail with a longsword.

Now all I need are folks to hold my enemy so I can hit him.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Justin on 2015-10-20, 15:01:40 ---If you could fuse two medieval weapons, what would they be, and what would you call your creation? It doesn't have to be practical either, this is just for funsies. I would fuse a broadsword with a small crossbow. I feel like that would make for a nasty sneak attack while engaged in close combat.

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Reminds me of a weapon out of Assassins Creed, the gun sword.  I think it was in Unity, but could've been Black Flag.  I found I didn't even notice when it did let off so I had no way of knowing whether or not they worked - and also, never had to be loaded/reloaded.

So what weapons would I fuse?  I dunno...the poleaxe is pretty beastly in and of itself, as are its many variants.  Maybe a bow with short swords that fold out of the ends?  So you could do some staffwork in addition to lighting them up with bodkin points.

Sir Douglas:
Not medieval, but....

Sir James A:
This has two medieval weapons as components, does that count?


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