Main > The Armoury

Kit revisit

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I am finally getting a job so I will now be able to save for armor again Yay!
Now that Armor purchases are possible again I ask you my fellow knights what you reccomend for the following items

An 14th century arming device of which will fit an xl-xxl and can be pointed to

Plate legs of 16 gauge steel

Better shoulder plates and arms (Mine are terrible)

An aventail for my bascinet

So what do you fellows reccomend? I value all of your opinions highly becaus you guys are all experts

Thanks!  -Sam

Sir James A:
Arming device? Revival clothing arming cotte, or the Historical Enterprises one

Aventail? Kult of Athena has riveted mail ones in stock, if you're handy enough to cut, line, and install it yourself

For the plate parts, depends on what style / time frame you want to look like

Thank you for the reccomendations, Im going for about early 15th century like 1410-1430 ish
I dont nesicarrily know what period my breastplate is closest to but Im not trying to be spot on with this. If I was trying to be spot on I wouldn't fight in it because of that.
So basically Around early 1400s or late 1300s

The Revival Arming Cote and HE Arming Cote are much more late 15th century designs (despite what the marketing may say), but they are very functional.  If you're really looking for early 15th century, neither of those are really appropriate.  If you just want a functional garment that will support your armor, then both are excellent provided you get them to nail the fit.  Historic Enterprises is well known for getting their arming doublets spot on, and people swear by them, but again they're really a later 15th century design.

Late 14th / Early 15th century is really more something like this with a separate suspension system for your legs:

Or if you want an all-in-one solution, a very well tailored Charles de Blois style pourpoint.

Sir James A:
Sir Ian is correct for the time frame you narrowed it down to.

I've used a Revival gambeson which is cut similar to the Charles de Blois, but still has the "off the rack" slight fitment differences compared to one made to measure. I don't know if they do them to custom sizes, since I got mine used.


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