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Baltimore Knife and Sword (BKS) feder review
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2015-10-08, 20:24:17 ---I thought they were gone for some time from MDRF?
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Yep, about a decade ago.
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2015-10-08, 16:48:12 ---Oh, I also located BKS at MDRF. They lost their booth there about 10 years ago, but as of this year, they've teamed up with Dagger Dan, and have a collection of weapons available on the wall of his booth.
EDIT: corrected
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Ah, excellent, thanks!
Sir Wolf:
bah lol if i would come more i would notice these things hahahaha
Jon Blair:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2015-10-07, 14:33:16 ---BKS doesn't do wood grips so far as I can recall, its always been leather wrap over steel tang for all of their models. Not sure why, that's just how they do it. A shame something that expensive failed from the start- but a lifetime warranty's a good thing to have.
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I have one of their (few?) wood grip swords. It is a heat-treated bare blade (the type XVIII single hand sword blade) I had bought from Albion that BKS polished up for me and built a hilt. I had to push them way past their comfort zone to make a wooden grip, and they still wouldn't wrap it, but they did do it.
Sir James A:
Since this post got bumped... almost 6 months later, I still have no sword. No response to emails. Voice mail box is full. No idea if I'll ever get the sword back, or fixed, and I was brave enough to try one of their prototype feders since they were a vendor at a tournament last year. I've not had the sword almost as long as I had it, assuming I ever see it again.
Stay away from BKS. Not recommended at all.
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