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Dragon Age: Inquisition
Sir William:
Ok, so I finished it. Finally! A couple things- I didn't actually spend 600 hours in-game; I think it starts the clock from the time you start the game and the way the XB1 works is that a game stays active when paused, even when you turn the machine off (or it turns itself off) so when you power up and click the icon, you're taken to the exact moment you paused the game. I may have spent a total of 80 hours all told, which is still pretty good considering. The only collectibles I didn't complete were the mosaics- got everything else. I'd gone through each map (it isn't really open world so much as having some really huge areas to explore in a given locality) more than once and found everything else. Not gonna go back...and its funny, I'm only missing like two pieces out of each one but really, I feel like I did enough. I remember going back and playing through DA1 at least twice, three for DA2 (which was a lot easier to do since it was a smaller game all told and I wanted to see what the other classes were capable of-I think the mage got the brunt of the powerfulness and coolness lol). This time, I got a few hours in as a warrior and realized I'd rather be an archer; tens of hours later I realized that most of the cool drops were for warriors, but there's ways to alter that in your favor if you are a different class.
I feel the same way I did when I finished Fable 3- enjoyed it, but I think I've graduated from that sort of cartoonish, lighthearted fare. Not that DA:I is cartoonish, just the overall feeling after the finish is very much the same. What was cool was running into characters from the previous games- depending on the choices you made in those games you may or may not see some of them but you should see a few familiar faces at the least. Recruit everyone you can, some of them can turn out to be pretty useful, although you may not be able to go on a job w/them, you will work with them at some point.
Good writing and more importantly, voice acting. Your crewmates will banter amongst themselves from time to time- the exchanges can be pretty hilarious on their own.
I enjoyed pairing party members who weren't very fond of each other together, so you could hear them take shots at one another. They did a nice job with those little details.
Sir Edward:
Yeah, Bioware is always good for character banter. :) At times I wanted to say "knock it off!" to some of those guys, but realized it was actually quite amusing what they were saying. So it encouraged me to mix up the team from time to time, to see what else they'd say.
Sir William:
Sir Ian, Sir Edward- it was for that very reason that I varied my team at all. Initially you only have Varric, Cassandra and Solas for a while so you get used to them. I swapped out Varric for Sera and Solas for Dorian and the banter took a more lively and interesting turn. Sometimes I found myself wishing that they'd made it so they bantered more often but then as I thought it I realized I heard them often enough. No need for needless chatter, you know? Iron Bull was just hilarious- he was your typical tank and really reminded me of what my modern mind thinks of a Dane out a-viking. I did like how the characters had their own ideals and things they needed or wanted to do- also found out that romantic choices are not always easy to spot.
Did anyone watch the HBO series Rome? The actress who played the part of Niobe (wife of Vorenus) is a major character in the game. I kept striking up conversations with her just to hear her speak. lol
Sir Edward:
I grabbed all of the DLC but haven't played any of it yet. Anyone here try the DLC yet? I was happy to see they added something for modifying your appearance, since it didn't take me long to find things I didn't like about my character's look, especially since the lighting in the editor isn't the same as out in the world.
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