Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Surgery for worn out bits. A question.

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Mike W. on 2015-09-25, 23:43:16 ---After years of not being able to breathe through my nose, I finally decided to stop procrasturbating and get it taken care of while I am still young. I've had it for as long as I can remember and had gotten quite used to. I made my decision last year as one of my New Years Resolutions to improve my overall health. Went to the doctor and after 8 months of trying things, we figured out I needed surgery. I've got that to look forward to on the 6th.

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I've been told by an ENT doc that I should probably get a septoplasty. Is that what you're doing, or something further in on the sinuses?

Mike W.:
I'm getting three procedures: septoplasty, internal valve stenosis rhinoplasty, and an interior turbinate reduction. In laymen's terms, the septoplasty will correct my S-shaped septum. They'll remove the bone spurs and gnarly bits. The inernal valve stenosis rhinoplasty will involve salvaging some cartilige from the septum and grafting that inside the upper part of my nostrils to support them and repair the collapse. Finally, the turbinate reduction will involve pushing my permanently swollen turbinates off to the sides, giving me more airflow.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Mike W. on 2015-09-28, 23:08:44 ---I'm getting three procedures: septoplasty, internal valve stenosis rhinoplasty, and an interior turbinate reduction. In laymen's terms, the septoplasty will correct my S-shaped septum. They'll remove the bone spurs and gnarly bits. The inernal valve stenosis rhinoplasty will involve salvaging some cartilige from the septum and grafting that inside the upper part of my nostrils to support them and repair the collapse. Finally, the turbinate reduction will involve pushing my permanently swollen turbinates off to the sides, giving me more airflow.

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Awesome, I'm envious. :)

Mike W.:
I'm really looking forward to the Percocet:)


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