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The Bastard Executioner

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Sir William:
This is a new/original FX series, The Bastard Executioner, produced by Kurt Sutter (of Sons of Anarchy fame).  I missed the first 6 minutes, but managed to figure out that it was a medieval-era show, if only because of the language, costumes, horses and tack.  I only managed 30 minutes and the DA: Inquisition started whispering to me so I had to go back to Thedas.

With that said, I set a reminder to check it out Saturday night; I'll give a more thorough review then.  I'll say this though- it reminded me of Pillars of the Earth, that Starz series based on the book by Ken Follett; I do believe they are angling for an authentic-inspired look (if not outright authenticity).  I noticed that there's a lot of maille and didn't see much plate; the Baron and his Chamberlain both wore full hauberks with separate coifs underneath heraldic surcoats (in one scene, it was the three lions of the Lionheart and they were in Wales).  Didn't get a good look at the weaponry as there hadn't been any real fighting to that point, other than the forest scene and it was archers who ruled that contest.  Still, I think its worth a gander.

I DVR'd it last  night but haven't watched it yet.  I've only seen the commercials and read the little synopsis on imdb.  It says Edward III timeframe, mid 14th century, and all the armor I saw was mail and norman conicals, so way off, but if the story is good I'll definitely keep watching it.

Sir William:
Ok, I didn't catch the part about it being Ed III's era, I figured it was Richard I as king, given the style of the surcoats and armor.  And the maille appears to be the butted, bingo-wing variety, so ugly as hell.

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2015-09-17, 15:01:22 ---Ok, I didn't catch the part about it being Ed III's era, I figured it was Richard I as king, given the style of the surcoats and armor.  And the maille appears to be the butted, bingo-wing variety, so ugly as hell.

--- End quote ---


Sir Edward:
Hopefully my DVR caught it. I tried using the FIOS phone app to set the DVR remotely, while on the road, so we'll see if that worked. If so, I'll probably check it out tonight.

Anyone actually watch the entire first episode yet?


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