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William Marshal- Badass of the Week (of a previous week).
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--- Quote from: Badass Of The Week ---William, the fourth son of John the Marshal, was an insignificant child born to a minor English baron of no great importance. He grew up in a decently-adequate castle, sure, but this kid was so far down the line of inheritance in his own family that it was obvious from his birth that he would receive precisely jack sh** after his dad died, and could expect nothing out of life except what he was able to forge with his own two hands out of the still-beating hearts of his enemies. He would never inherit land, title, or wealth. He would never be important enough to receive training in the arts of warfare or battle. In short, William’s unlucky position in his family’s birth order left this poor bastard doomed in the ranks of the knights errant, those masterless noble warriors left to wander the countrysides of Medieval England D&D player-character style looking to create their own legends through sheer determination, cleverness, and, occasionally, brute force applied liberally to the skulls of anyone stupid enough to f**k with them.
--- End quote ---
William Marshal on Badass of the Week
Sir William:
Badass of the Week? How about Badass of his TIME??? The only one to ever unhorse the Lionheart, among many other chivalric and martial accomplishments. And our 'benefactor'. ;)
Sir Nate:
It does him justice. Although the plate armor part may be a bit off
Sir William:
I don't think that picture is of the Marshal anyway, the colors are all wrong- he should be in green and gold w/a red lion rampant; by that horse's barding I'd say it was meant to be Richard or John, but the heraldry of the shields in the background as well as the armored man in the foreground suggest a later time set during the Hundred Years' War where the English kings quartered their arms with that of French royalty (the gold fleur de lis on the blue background), which occurred some 120+ years after the Marshal passed. Still, he was The Man of his time.
The second picture is very close if not spot on.
Sir Edward Oldwall:
I agree, Sir William. Looks like pictures were chosen to convey 'knights' and only a few really hit the mark of portraying William Marshal in any way.
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