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Greetings from "the new guy"

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Magnus the Smasher:
Yes... I live about 45 minutes north of Manhattan.

Cool! Nice to meet another fellow new Englander on here I think that makes three of us

Henrik Granlid:

Always fun to see a new member show up!

NOTE! Ok, this is ridiculous. I was so certain you wanted an allegiance-free Normand knight... and now it's nowhere in your post. All of the below is written with a main focus in the 11th century. There are some pieces about 12th and 13th centuries as well and they still stand:

Quick 12th century notes:
If the William Marshal Helmet is the one with a flip-visor, it's off. It's very off. 12th century is still the early days of face-protection and a conical with a nasal is still the main helmet of choice. A 13th century knight would wear a greathelm for most of the century.

Bracers are still a-historical. Make a nice gambeson and let that stand as your forearm protection, and/or get a long-sleeved maille shirt, possibly with mittens attached.

You'll still want wool hose. Possibly with maille hose on top. Ditch the boots in favour of turnshoes.

Overall: Don't be afraid of colour. If you make a new surcotte, make it out of wool, machine-stitch the lines that won't be seen and then do the hemming by hand. Your kit is on the right track for a 12th or 13th century knight (I believe the torse shows up in the 13th), but you're going to want to review your armour if you want to be more historical.

Original Post

As for your question... well...

(I am assuming Hastings-era here, if you're later, get a greathelm to put the torse on, get your coif to cover more of your face, get shoes, gambeson and drop the bracers.)

Ok, let's go from the top down. Your Torse is probably one of the three most out of place pieces of your kit. It belongs on a greathelm, or a grand bascinet, and is, as such, at least 200 years too early. Also, there isn't a helmet for it to go on. If you want to go Norman Knight, I'd highly recommend swapping the Torse for a Conical helmet with a nasal, preferably a helmet without riveted construction.

Your coif would go underneath this helmet, and is actually looking good. You might want to close it up a bit toward your chin, but it looks a lot like depictions from the era, so you're good =)

Next step, torso and arms. Well, there is one glaring error, and that'd actually be the surcotte. Especially on a non-aligned knight. You'd wear your Maille as the top layer and then not cover it. So if the surcotte goes, you'll be closer to a proper Normand Knight.

Arms... well... Length is good for Hastings, less so for the crusades. And I'm sorry but bracers are a modern hollywood idea to make people look more armoured and has no historical bearings at all. So drop them. A nice, long sleeved wool tunic underneath your maille would look worlds better. If you're doing a later period, a nice gambeson (not too thick) under the maille would also be great. But, as said earlier, you'd want longer sleeves for any knight of the 13th century and onwards.

Now, legs.

For an 11th century normand, braies, hose and turnshoes and you're good. So drop the boots and get some nice hose going, you can tie them up with braided bands around your knees for extra fancyness. If you're 13th century, you'll want either gamboised cuises and maille "boots" or "socks", or you'll want full on maille hose over turnshoes and braies and hose.

All in all, you have a good start, and you have a really nice fit on the hauberk. Accessorising it with either period clothes or period arming clothes is going to be key to making you look proper.

Here are some 11th century Norman reenactors to guide your way. It would appear they all wear Winnegas

(do note that the slatted splints on the second ones chins are ca. 600ad and not 1000. He may actually be a viking reenactor, but the profile is similar enough)

Magnus the Smasher:
Thank you so much for the help, Henrik! I kind of pieced this together over a year or so... I knew it wasn't correct, but wasn't sure where I went off. Now I know where to go. I guess I better get started! =)

Magnus the Smasher:
I got a decision to make here, don't I ? It seems I've got myself somewhere between the Normans and 13th century... Either way it's gonna cost me to get it right.


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