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The White City of Gondor - Minas Tirith
I'd live there.
Sir Edward Oldwall:
Would the lead politician be referred to as the Steward of the City instead of the Mayor? Because they would be missing an opportunity if he wasn't.
Sir William:
Make a substantial enough donation and you could probably be named Master of the City at the least. Perhaps the Steward will be the official title of the Mayor, who would most likely be elected?
Sir Douglas:
If they called the Mayor of the city the Steward, would he have to immolate himself when his term came to an end?
--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2015-08-16, 17:13:36 ---People have always Crowdfunded cities. What did you think taxes and raiding were for? ;)
--- End quote ---
This is true. I suppose I should have said voluntary crowdfunding. ;)
Sir Patrick:
I heard they're going to build it a few miles from Detroit as it was the closest thing to Mordor they could find...
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