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Armor Series
Good idea Doug. I've added that to the list of my video ideas. Along those lines I also want to try to give people an idea on how to critically analyze visual sources like manuscript illuminations. People love to fall into the trap of mis-using miniatures to justify all kinds of things from cleaving helmets in twain, 'proof' of blackened armor in the 14th century... etc etc..
Yeah, I was pretty psyched when Warhorse Studios started dropping by on my videos! I thought it was pretty cool that they forwarded the last video along to their 2d/3d art department :)
Sir Edward:
Oh yes, interpreting manuscript images would be a great topic. Maybe some points to consider, since it's broader than just what armor/weapons are depicted, including what's mentioned above:
* Distinguishing what was visual accuracy, versus exaggeration.
* No "lightsaber" capabilities in weapons, despite the Mac Bible. ;)
* Some images were like "stories" with the same character appearing more than once in the same image. Mac Bible does this too.
* Size differences often indicate emphasis, such as a tall person simply being an important figure, and his attendants might be half his height in the image.
* Sometimes choice of armament also indicates who the important person is in the scene, rather than depicting the actual spread of weapons in use.
... That's all that's coming to mind at the moment. Just some ideas. ;)
Jon Blair:
This video series is going to get me in trouble with my lady wife.
Sir Rodney:
A fighting buddy of mine linked a video titled "How Much does all that Weigh?" on FB. I mentioned that he should check out the entire series to which he responded "I've been binge watching them :) ".
Ian, you're reaching the mainstream SCA audience and grabbing everyone's attention. Well done!
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2015-11-30, 14:11:11 ---Oh yes, interpreting manuscript images would be a great topic. Maybe some points to consider ...
... That's all that's coming to mind at the moment. Just some ideas. ;)
--- End quote ---
Thanks Ed, all good stuff and added to my notes. :)
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