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Armor Series

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I realized I posted this everywhere but here, so I might as well!

New video discussing arming garments.  Will be the first in a series going through each piece of armor one at a time.  Good for beginners and veterans alike.  Some will notice I did not cover the lendenier (the arming girdle / belt).  I will either give it it's own video or add it into the video on cuisses.  I skipped it because I'm experimenting with a textile version of it, but haven't finished it yet.

Sir Rodney:
Nicely done!   :)

I really wish there was a video like this (and YouTube) 20 years ago.  The kids starting WMA and other medieval combative sports today have no idea how good they have it!

Sir Douglas:
Great video about an oft overlooked aspect of armor. Nicely done, sir! I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

Also, I envy you your beard.

Sir James A:
Nice belt :)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Douglas on 2015-07-30, 14:28:05 ---
Also, I envy you your beard.

--- End quote ---

So do I!  Can't grow one to save me life!  Not a full one, anyway.


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