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Armor discussion: What would you wear to battle?

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I was looking back on my current kit and I thought would I want to wear this to battle? My answer was:"Yeah sure if it was what I could afford"
Of course I'm sure everyone wants the armor of a king be it any century 10th-16th hey even before or after. Anyhow I was wondering what all of you would wear to battle? What do you think would be most efficient/successful what are your opinions?

Personally I would probably wear some type of COP or Brigandine with plate or splinted appendages and most likely a bascinet If all of those were available to me of course. If not even a thick gambeson,A breast plate and some type of helm would do me good.

Sir William:
The best and finest armor I could afford at the time.

Sir Nate:
Milanese, ora a similar suit to what Henry the 8th had for a tourny where it had many plates in the elbows, armpits, and even groin and buttox.
So Im covered completely in plate, and am still flexible. only real problem is having no ventalation, other than the helmet. (although its a pity they never created many steel plates to cover and mover with the eye)

Yea, Despite the pull of a brand new suit of armor worth a kings ransom I really would rather have whatever worked best not protected best It would have to be a mix

Sir Wolf:


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