Main > The Armoury

What is your medieval weapon of choice?

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Sir Cedric:
I personally would go with a longsword. Probably the most versatile weapon out there, as well as the most renowned.  From my experience in HEMA, its one of the fastest weapons as well. A pollaxe would be my second choice for similar reasons.
Sword and shield is slow, and axes are for peasants  :P
And hammers? There's just no class in that.


--- Quote from: Sir Cedric on 2017-04-03, 05:17:20 ---Sword and shield is slow, and axes are for peasants  :P
And hammers? There's just no class in that.

--- End quote ---

So is that a challenge? ;)

If hammers have no class... and axes are for peasants.... then English Knights are well explained in their love of the hammer backed poleaxe.  ;D  ;D  ;D

Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all night!  :D

I do love the hammer backed pole axe . So versatile.

Sir Cedric:
Well you see when you put all those weapons together, you actually have something decent  ;)
And everyone knows the most deadly bit of the pollaxe is the que at the end.


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