Main > The Armoury

My latest armor peice

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Today I received my Breastplate from merctailor and I couldn't be more happy with the results
Although I have never bought custom armor before this so I have nothing to go off of I can say that I will most definitely be purchasing from him again in the future.
His general response time/attitude towards his customers is great and something that is a welcome event
Although he may not be the most precise in history *According to others not me* He sure knows how to make armor
Being 16 gauge you'd think y know its normal armor thickness I will get normal integrity, Not in this case, The way he does the mid breastplate ridge the thing is like a rock.

Seriously if you are starting out on armor I would recommend him two times over

Pics of my new breastplate below

Sir Patrick:
Very nice! Allen does excellent work and is so easy to work with. I get all my stuff from him. You'll be enjoying that piece for years to come.

Sir James A:
Congrats. My avatar pic is wearing a cuirass by him too, same style.

Yea, He does great work I cant get over how solid this thing is

Sir William:
Allan should be the rule, but he's the exception.  A great guy, one of the easiest to deal with that I've ever had he pleasure of doing business with and zero complaints about his wares.  Does it get much better than that?  Not without a substantial uptick in cost.  :)


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