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My kit help

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Since I am still new to this I have a lot of questions and I would like to ask one.
Would a breastplate and long gambeson that comes to the knees with plate arms be something you would see in history? Yes the effigies show otherwise but if you really think about it they didn't all wear armor the exact same way every one has preferences.
Im not looking to be amazingly historically accurate I just want to be close enough to where you get the idea of what period I am from. I cannot buy another gambeson I am out of money

I also Have a roundish face bascinet which I have seen in places

Sorry about my many posts I just like other peoples opinion (Especially from those more knowledgeable than me)

P.S I am basing my self of a man below

Sir Patrick:
Upper body looks good, but that long gamby/hauberk thing is throwing me. Perhaps some Eastern European kit. Sir Ian?

Sir William:
The long gambeson is definitely Eastern in influence; I've seen some repros of Chinese/Mongol style by Armstreet that look a lot like that.  The biggest question is: what specific region and period are you looking to portray?  If Eastern, would it be Chinese, Mongol, Rus?  The region and the era in time will help delineate what sort of armor you should be acquiring.

That's not really what I will look like its just my gambeson comes to about that level I was wondering if that's ok

Sir Patrick:
Well that depends on the era and area of the persona you're shooting for. Long gamby/hauberk is great for 1066ish Western Europe, not so much for 1350s. You get more leeway timewise the farther east you go (Rus, Mongol, etc). If you are building around a long gambeson, Norman/Saxon 1066ish would be a good place to start. FWW the upper body on that pic you posted looks more Agingourt (1415) to me.
EDIT to add Saxon Huscarl pic.


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