Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

My weekend in pictures

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Sir Rodney:
Here’s how my weekend started.   :'(

Sir Rodney:
Here’s how my weekend ended.

Sorry Sir William, I’m out of the running for your blackened set.  The $$ were spent on lawn equipment.   :(

Sir William:
No worries man- you gotta do what you gotta do.  I, uh, went the lazy route and retained the services of a local landscaping company when I realized my mower wouldn't start and the best quote I was given was 6-8 weeks before repairs could be attempted.  Went through the troubleshooting process and all of that but it was already May.  I'm not complaining...I don't exactly miss it.  ;)

Sir James A:
Pfft. Sometimes I just don't bother mowing the lawn. Been nearly 4 weeks now.

Yay West Virginia!!

Sir Patrick:
I thought y'all used goats there.


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