Main > The Armoury

Sella Curulis Project

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Sir Douglas:
I recently finished building a Sella Curulis as a commission (actually, I think it's technically considered a Faldstool since it folds up). It's made from Hard Maple which, admittedly, isn't 100% period, but unfortunately specialty wood can be a little hard to come by around here. Beggars can't be choosers. It also ended up being a little difficult to work with just because it's so hard, but it has the benefit of being incredibly sturdy. You could seat Henry VIII on this thing. ;)

More images in this Flickr album, including some work-in-progress pics:

Sir Edward:

Man, that is some incredibly beautiful work. I was admiring it on FB, and I think it looks even better here. ;)

Great job! You're really tempting me to commission some work from you at some point. :)

Sir William:
Wow...that is an awesome looking piece of furniture there.  I knew I should've gotten that bear pelt- it would suit that chair perfectly, splayed right in front.  (Like I'm getting the chair lol)

That is F***ing sweet!  :D

Outstanding work!


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