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Sir Edward:

Yep, mine got here yesterday too.

Wish I could join you guys on Friday.

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Dragonlover on 2009-04-20, 12:23:34 ---Anybody get their copy of RTB yet?

--- End quote ---

what is rtb?

"Reclaiming The Blade" Sir Wolf. DVD on swords and the romanticism behind them
through the centuries.....or so I'm guessing. haven't watched my copy yet!

Sir Edward:
Supposedly they did a pretty good job, without falling too heavily into a lot of the modern myths and misinterpretations that a lot of videos tend to have problems with.

I've heard people mention that the irony is that it doesn't really have anything new for people who are already historical sword nuts, but they're pretty much the only audience who will be interested in it.

But they say it's enjoyable in any case.

I may watch it one of these next few nights. I'll have a little free-time here and there this week, just not much on Friday.

Got some time with the missus on Sat. while we get our gear ready to meet up with
Sir Brian and his Lady for the faire in Atlanta. Probably watch my copy then....
Hey, if its got blades, ya' just GOTTA love it! :D


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