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Poleaxe Fight Accident

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More clarification from Arne:

--- Quote ---it wasn't a thrust, it was a horizontal strike, it was the blade of the axe comeing into the vision slit and hitting the eyelid (piercing it, i believe) popping the eye from its' socket. the thrust spikes had a massive steel ball welded on it, but the axe blades were fairly pointy.

apparently the guy was operated on that night, the eye is back in the socket and he can see (something) with it. he is still in hospital and will be getting specialist attention.

you can't really hear his vocalisation as it was quite unnerving.
i hope he makes a good recovery.

the rest of the foot tourney was actually really nice, all participants fought hard, but with much more technique than the russians are often credited for. The struck hard, wrestld hard, but not unduely.

I felt safe and had fun in my fights. This one guy i was wondering about those horizontalish strikes and the recipients large eye slit.

the rest of the guys were a little larger in their strikes than we do in holland, and the axes were a bit heavier, but i was not hit any harder than i am used to in austrlia, holland or america.

this is about weapon placement, that is where safety lies.

and thrusts to the face were specifically forbidden, a fact that the marshal made sure to re-iterate in two languages before EVERY fight.

I think he made the horizontal strike and might have jerked a bit to parry with the shaft, or even felt the tip get caught on the vision slit and tried to wiggle it free, thereby actually stabbing him.

I was 7 meters away when it happened.

Kolomenskoye park, moscow.

I do hope it is going to end as well as it sounded in the evening, it is such a nice chap... he does deserve to be lucky on this one. let's hope he is."
--- End quote ---

So this accident could have happened from a legal strike then? I know it happened from an illegal one but a legal one could also do this yes?


--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2015-05-06, 18:15:45 ---So this accident could have happened from a legal strike then? I know it happened from an illegal one but a legal one could also do this yes?

--- End quote ---

If what Arne says is accurate, this may have been a legal strike gone awry.  He's saying it wasn't a thrust to the face, that it was actually the axe blade, on a horizontal cut that managed to get inside the eye-slit.  It was the corner of the blade, not the top spike that did the damage.  It's unclear if only 'thrusts to the face' were illegal, or any shot to the face.

I would think that the sallet itself is a contributing factor in that it was one huge eye-slit instead of two smaller eye-slits like a bascinet.

Sir James A:
In just the first minute of the video, they make multiple strikes towards the helmet and/or face. I think it was just thrusts that were not allowed, but an instinctive twitch at the end of a strike doesn't take much to become a gentle thrust... and a gentle thrust from the edge of an axe blade gets ugly quickly. :(

Edit: And agreed, the sallet is a horrible helmet for something like that. This is one time I'd want a bar grill, or a historical barred-eye-slot klappvisor, or a grand bascinet.


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