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Collecting AD&D Book and Materials
Sir Rodney:
I played D&D / AD&D from the early 1980’s through the mid 2000’s; over twenty years. I boxed up all my manuals and modules once my children arrived, my career took off, and I became more involved with the SCA.
A friend gave me a box of his old AD&D materials last weekend which prompted me to pull out and review the 8 cases of books I had stored away. I quickly realized that I needed to organize and inventory my hoard. Having just begun the process, I came upon two valuable resources:
The Acaeum
TSR Archive
I started with the 1st edition Player’s Handbook and discovered I have 5 copies of the 20 unique printings (2,3,7,8,9)! :)
Does anyone have AD&D collecting advice or useful links to share?
Other than "damn"? Thats a hell of a hoard. :)
The only AD&D books I retain are my Player's Handbook and a copy of the Complete Book of Elves. I just love the art in those books. There was no such nostalgia when I donated all my 4ed D&D books to a used book store :)
Sir Edward:
Wow, nice. I don't think I really have much advice to share.
I still have my D&D books, and filled in some of the gaps a number of years ago. I think my shelf has editions 1, 3.5, and 4.
Sir James A:
I've got a few of them, but I bought them for the armor pictures.
Books with medieval armor were scarce (or out of price for a teenager) back in the mid 90s.
I don't think I've ever actually played a non-digital D&D game.
Congrats on having 5 of 20 ever printed!
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