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MMA for Knights?
Haha two thousand miles is a little far.
Yea we are starting one because the ones up here in NH suck and there are only two of them.
Sir Martyn:
I am wondering if there's not a group in the DC metro area - I've also toyed with the idea, Sir William.
Lord Dane:
Massachusetts here. If you need help with resources, let me know. :)
Sir Rodney:
I believe IceFalcon (Andre Sinou) is from southern New Jersey, Bridgeton. Am I correct that he’s still the captain for the U.S.A. Knights?
Sir William:
Rodney, I believe you'd be right, Andre is still the captain for the U.S.A. team. Good guy, Andre is. Stellar customer service (Ice Falcon Armory) and decent, albeit off-the-rack wares.
Martyn, toying is about all I've done with it. I'm not in shape currently and it really shows- wearing just 30lbs of gear wore me out a couple of Saturdays ago. I'm just now back! ;)
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