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Trying to identify a show from the early 2000s - Making a Knight?

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--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-10-26, 13:45:51 ---Sir James would be the one making the dvds but I'm sure he'd have no problem sending you a copy- you'll need to give him your mailing address.

--- End quote ---

alright ill ask him about it then

Sir James A:
Sure, I don't mind mailing them. I'll have to get another stash of DVDs, I only had a few on hand. It may be a week or two since dad just had his knee replaced and their house flooded last weekend, I haven't heard back from RQP 6 weeks after ordering my spurs (despite email and phone call), and I need to either get my greaves to fit or tailor my mail and wear that harness, my wife's 30th birthday is in 2 weeks (shh, she's still 29 in her head ;)) ... so things are very hectic to say the last. I'll get caught up soon though.


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-10-28, 18:43:01 ---Sure, I don't mind mailing them. I'll have to get another stash of DVDs, I only had a few on hand. It may be a week or two since dad just had his knee replaced and their house flooded last weekend, I haven't heard back from RQP 6 weeks after ordering my spurs (despite email and phone call), and I need to either get my greaves to fit or tailor my mail and wear that harness, my wife's 30th birthday is in 2 weeks (shh, she's still 29 in her head ;)) ... so things are very hectic to say the last. I'll get caught up soon though.

--- End quote ---

Alright cool, send me a message when your ready to get my adress and etc :D thanks!!

Sir William:
I forgot all about these, meant to ask you about them after the ceremony, Sir James.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-11-22, 19:54:52 ---I forgot all about these, meant to ask you about them after the ceremony, Sir James.

--- End quote ---

Gah! That was a perfect opportunity. I have the source image and just need to pop some blank discs in the burner to get them made. I'll see if I can do that this weekend while I work more on converting the Order website.


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