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Trying to identify a show from the early 2000s - Making a Knight?

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Sir William:
Let me know if you still haven't gotten your spurs by then, you can borrow a pair of mine, I have a pair of prick spurs you could use for the ceremony if it comes to it.

No worries if you can't get the dvd done on time, we'll see eachother again.  I'll be sure to bring that sugarloaf with me too.


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-10-15, 01:14:26 ---If you make it to MDRF on the 23rd (closing sunday) I will bring you a copy. Anyone else who wants a copy, shoot me a PM so I know how many DVDs to make. It was a good watch.

--- End quote ---

aww i want one haha, too bad im from cali lol

Sir William:
That's why the postal service is so useful, Leganoth.  LOL


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-10-25, 16:34:49 ---That's why the postal service is so useful, Leganoth.  LOL

--- End quote ---

LOL i forgot about that! Well if you can you should send a copy, this show seems very interesting

Sir William:
Sir James would be the one making the dvds but I'm sure he'd have no problem sending you a copy- you'll need to give him your mailing address.


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