Main > The Armoury

New toys from A&A

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Sir Edward:

They sent me a tracking number, so my goodies should be here soon. I'll post pics when everything arrives.

What's coming is this... Custom glaive, Henry V sword (hollow-ground), and poles so I can try to mount my GDFB polearm heads.

Das Bill:

Yeah, they sent me my square target this week. I'm pretty psyched about that!

Sir Edward:

Tracking says I'll have it Tuesday. *crossing fingers*

Das Bill:
Ahem. *looking at the date right now*

Boy, it sure would be cool if Sir Edward had gotten his custom glaive by now... and it'd be even cooler if he posted pics. *nudge, nudge* ;)

Sir Edward:

lol, yeah I was waiting for the sword so I'd only have to set up a photo area once. :) But it's been delayed, so I suspect I'll just have to take some pics.


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