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14th century man at arms kit


Sir Hancz:
Hey guys,I need help with one more kit, as I am making two kits for different purposes. I'm looking at making a man at arms in the fourteenth century that uses a pig face bassinet, (as I already have one) and some chainmail. Any help or lists would be appreciated, thanks all! 😃

When in the 14th century?  Where in the 14th century?  What status?  Also, show us the research you've done so far so we can help guide you further.

Sir Hancz:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2015-02-13, 14:56:49 ---When in the 14th century?  Where in the 14th century?  What status?  Also, show us the research you've done so far so we can help guide you further.

--- End quote ---
I was thinking maybe a man at arms during the time of the battle of agincourt. A french man at arms, as i've heard that they used pig faced bascinets and verying weapons and chainmail.

So early 15th century?  Agincourt is 1415.  Assuming that's you in your profile photo, what more did you have in mind compared to what you're already wearing?

Henrik Granlid:
From personal experience, I've found that, to be properly happy with my kit, it needs to grow from things I like and consist of things that compliment them well. Personal research is a large part behind this, since it gives me a good overview of what parts go with others as well as when, where and how things were worn. This, then, translates into me going "Oh I want that helmet, are there any cool breastplates that go with it?" And then I check a period of about five years before to five years after I stop seeing the helmet and that usually nets me something I can use.

Now, for a pigface or houndskull visor, you're most certainly looking at the era around the turn of the century, and actually quite a bit before that as well. And not only france, but a large part of Europe, since that style apparently became known as the "international" style, or just reffered to as a bascinet, whereas the center hinge is a more specifically German style for instance.

So, where would I start in researching and learning exactly what I want to wear?
I'd find a helmet, which you already have, and then I'd look at which years it's worn during, and then I'd also start seeing the armour used alongside it. Until, finally, I find that one kit somewhere in all of those pieces that speaks to me.

So my suggestion, check effigies and artwork from the 1360's until about 1410.

Here's artwork from the suggested period

Now, look at them and look closely until you start finding a general area and time that uses your chosen helmet, now you'll want to start looking at armour from more sources, and possibly more specialised searches.

For instance, here's a search displaying English and Italian armour (you tick English, Italian, Martial and Male) from the typed in period of 1375 to 1410

This is doing a lot of the work for you, but it's still not all the work, you still need to choose a when and a where, and I believe that this basic rundown of artwork where you can find the helmets you're after, as well as a quick tutorial in how to search effigies (and artwork and manuscript miniatures as well) should help you get started in finding trends in armour that you particularly like.

Once you can narrow things down to "I want armour from nation X and the ten year period of Y-Z, I particularly like Blahdiblah, what should I think about?" or "I need help with chain skirts in England ca. 1390" or something similar, we'll be a lot better at helping you, since we'll know what it is you want.


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