Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Bike Arranged (Was: Is 40k miles a lot for an '85 Honda Magna VF700C?).
Oh we will but that's a project of 6 months, and it wasn't the deal killer, it was just the cherry.
The more we thought about it all the more it seemed less than a good idea. If I had dealt with the main mechanic for the bike (the Uncle of the seller) I might have been less hesitant, but I was warned to ask questions about the engine, transmission, & parts availability. His answers didn't make me confident.
But damn did it feel good to ride again.
(BTW when I get a bike I will wear my kit on it for a photo.)
Here's what I'm looking at tomorrow, a 1994 Suzuki VZ800 Intruder. A v-twin shaft drive bike with 9879 miles on it.
Damn. The Suzuki v-twin I looked at had been dumped and the guy, a motorcycle mechanic, lied about it. He also wanted as much as it would have been worth in great shape & called it a "winter special price".
Sir Douglas:
It's a sign: The biker gods want you to get a Harley.
--- Quote from: Sir Douglas on 2015-02-09, 06:06:49 ---It's a sign: The biker gods want you to get a Harley.
--- End quote ---
So it shall be written...
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