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"Order of the Marshal" in Latin?

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Sir Douglas:
Isn't Pig Latin where you take the first letter or a word, stick it on the end of the word and add "ay"? Like, Igpay Atinlay. I'm pretty sure this

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2015-01-10, 15:09:07 ---ordera ofa thea marshala

--- End quote ---
is Goat Latin. ;)

Anyway, if I understand that website correctly (which I probably dont') I think it might be Ordo Marescalli.....maybe.

It depends really upon the declension of "Marshal" if it's 2nd declension (the most common masculine form) it would be "Ordo Marshali". If 3rd declension (the most common declension for masculine and feminine non-Roman names) it would be "Ordo Marshalis", although that is dependent on the stem change of Marshal (3rd declension nouns have a stem change from the nominative form to the other forms). If someone found the latin lexical entry for the name "Marshal" I could get that title for you.

Sir Nate:
I took latin for two years as well. So the order of the marshal in german is
Der Ordner am der Marshal?

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2015-01-10, 23:46:30 ---It depends really upon the declension of "Marshal" if it's 2nd declension (the most common masculine form) it would be "Ordo Marshali". If 3rd declension (the most common declension for masculine and feminine non-Roman names) it would be "Ordo Marshalis", although that is dependent on the stem change of Marshal (3rd declension nouns have a stem change from the nominative form to the other forms). If someone found the latin lexical entry for the name "Marshal" I could get that title for you.

--- End quote ---

Wouldn't it be masculine noun since it is a male that it is referring to?

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Page Aiden on 2015-01-13, 01:08:12 ---Wouldn't it be masculine noun since it is a male that it is referring to?

--- End quote ---

I have no idea with Latin, but I know that's definitely not the case in some other languages. For instance, French, which is Latin in origin, has specific genders for words regardless of the gender of the person/animal it's referring to. And using the wrong gender can have unfortunate consequences, slang-wise. ;)


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