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Katana vs. Longsword

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All from a playlist on my Youtube channel BTW.

Here is what Matt Easton on Schola Gladiatoria has to say.


He has several more in the playlist.

Joshua Santana:
In summation: a well made waste of time.

Some of you may have already seen this video but hopefully you'll agree that it is enjoyable nonetheless. The Kendo guy in this video challenged Rory Van Noort and the following duel is quite entertaining. I understand some will say that Kendo is not adept to this type of fighting and this is true as Kendo is more sport like however the Japaneses and many Kendo practitioners will get quite pissed off when someone calls Kendo a sport. They consider it to be a Martial Art and are very serious about it. Anyways, Rory was a world class fencer and even won a Swordfish tournament (I think 2012). Unfortunately Rory passed away and is no longer with us.

A point about Knights vs Samurai that I feel is important to note is that the Japanese were skilled against Japanese, whereas Europeans were skilled via their interaction and fighting with several nations (European and Muslim) and had been at war fairly consistently since ancient Roman times. This bears out with the account of historical encounters between the Samurai and the Portuguese, the latter is said to have slaughtered the Samurai in confrontation. The Portuguese were known to be fierce warriors, likely fought the Samurai with the rapier which was a new threat to the Japanese, and wore steel armor. As far as I know the Portuguese were the first to trade with the Japanese and are the only Europeans recorded to have fought with the Samurai.


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