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New Years Resolutions

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Lord Dane:
1.) Get my personal life in order.
2.) Get my butt back in shape.
3.) Finalize things with the (ex)wife.
4.) Work on my kit projects.
5.) Work on knighthood.
6.) Spend more time on my life & less at work.
7.) Take more time to travel new places.

Well heres what I hope for this year:
1.Get authorized and get decent at fighting in SCA events
2. Rent or buy a house with the gf
3. Get abs
4. Travel to a bunch of castles in the us or possibly take a european vacation

I resolve to post on here and be an effective member of this group.

Last year I resolved to improve my career situation and have done it.  I tried real hard to work with my boss an grow where I was.  As that didn't show signs of panning out I moved on to a new company and see plenty of room for growth.  I plan to follow this up by getting back to work on my education.
I think though the area I feel I need to grow more is in social interactions where I resolve to get to know more people and be a better friend to those I already know.

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: MDJouster ---... I plan to follow this up by getting back to work on my education.
--- End quote ---

Great idea!  I'll second this and add it to my own list as well.

Sir Patrick:
1. Get my practice built up to the point where I don't have to moonlight anymore.
2. Build on my fitness gains from 2014.
3. Improve my kit (as if that needed to be said)!


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