Main > The Armoury

New Harness Project 14-15


Sir Robert:
Wow its been a year has it not? I am often criticized with having to many irons in the fire, sometimes literally.  This year I have been working three jobs as well as doing all those other things that come from having a child graduate high school and move on to college and another who plays in multiple sports so that sound familiar to many of you. I also launched my own IT company, run another one, and teach skiing, oh yeah and was injured and laid up for 3 months to boot. Lest not have another year like the last.
You might just think that the workshop has been a bit lonely, true not as much is getting done but that has not stopped them from starting.  Currently I have 4 harnesses in production, with etching done and all parts cut out its really up to forming them, yet I just have not been able to get to them- call it lack of ambition I think.
These 4 will be a pattern that I created for my son, mostly emphasizing flexibility as field plate rather than being drawn from historical patterns or heavy armor. Segmentation, live rivets, sliding folds and supporting leather straps will be used but I am looking at adding some more advanced features such as sliding plates around void areas (shoulders, arms, and chest). One thing I have learned is that sometimes less is more; I had a tendency to make my patterns to large or extend skirts off the form too far, this would often give me a good look but at the cost of flexibility.
Two of these new sets are commissioned, one I am very happy with, the other I think is a disappointment (and yet neither is actually formed yet). You see I make it a point that the client makes the templates for the etchings themselves, and one did a great job, the other not so well. It was not a question of art talent either, I think it was lack of patients or taking the time to do it well, a pity really.
So I can’t promise much with the Holidays in swing and my teaching season starting but I will start updating this as my projects get moving with some pictures.  Best regards and onward to the projects.

Sir James A:
Pictures indeed, Sir! I look forward to them.

Sir Edward:

Oh yes, pictures are a must. ;)


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