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Secrets of the Castle

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This has made it around Facebook a bit, but for those who missed, there's a really excellent documentary airing on BBC this month.  Unfortunately, BBC isn't broadcasting it on BBC America, nor do they stream outside of their region. 

Someone on YouTube has uploaded the episodes though, so watch them while they're still available.

The information in this documentary is outstanding so far.  It is about a group of historians spending a few months at Guedelon Castle in France.  For those that don't know Guedelon is an experimental archaeology project.  They're building a 13th century castle in France using only period techniques and technologies.  So far it's been under construction for 15 years I believe and is expected to take 25 total years to complete.  The documentary explores the masonry, carpentry, daily life, clothing, food, weapons... the whole nine

And so far it's not history channel crap, it's real history information.

So far it's aired 3 episodes.  The new ones come out on Wednesdays I think.

Here's the channel:

Sir Patrick:
Thanks!  Been wanting to this when I heard it was coming out.

Sir Humphrey:
I thought it was very well done also, as with all the other "farm" shows that this crew has done.  "Tales of the Green Valley" (1620), "Victorian Farm", "Edwardian Farm", "Tudor Monistary Farm" and "WWII Farm." 

I love it that they are going further back in history and have broken with the farm genre.

Sir Humphrey

Mike W.:
Thanks Ian. I was trying to be productive at work today. Guess not...

Sir Wolf:
may have to check this......look at the kitty.........

i wish my attention span would allow me to stay focuses lol.


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