Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Star Wars 7 vs SWOR thought.

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f**k it. I'm gonna say what we are all thinking:

Star Wars 7 better damn well be as good as the Star Wars The Old Republic intro movies.

Sir Nate:

Sir Douglas:
At this point, I'll be happy if the movie has an actual plot and isn't just a two-hour long special effects demo reel. Personally, I'm excited, but I'm still not getting my hopes up too high.


--- Quote from: Sir Douglas on 2014-11-29, 04:55:44 ---...but I'm still not getting my hopes up too high.

--- End quote ---

Wait until this time next year... :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-11-29, 14:06:23 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Douglas on 2014-11-29, 04:55:44 ---...but I'm still not getting my hopes up too high.

--- End quote ---

Wait until this time next year... :)

--- End quote ---

Oh yes, around this time next year, I expect to fully get my hopes too high. ;)


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