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Rust prevention

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Sir Hancz:
Hey guys, I currently collect medieval armor, and I was wondering if I could ask a question about rust. My armor is just for display, and I keep it away from moisture, water, and any other element. I also coat each piece of armor with Renaissance Wax. I was wondering, is there any chance of my armor rusting even with all the protective measures in place? I sure hope not, because my collection is almost 400$ so far, and I plan to extend it much more. Any reply would be appreciated, thanks!  8)

It's possible it could still develop rust.  But a little surface rust on steel is not a problem, it's very easily removed and cleaned up.  Armor maintenance is just part of the game we all play.  In order for rust to really damage your armor it would have to develop a significant amount of rust that goes untreated for a very extended period of time.  Surface rust is normal.  It sounds like you're taking the proper precautions though, and you'll want to re-apply your chosen rust preventative from time to time.  If you notice when you go to reapply it that some rust has formed you can just remove the rust, re-apply your renaissance wax and you're good to go.

The key to good armor maintenance is don't get lazy.  Remove surface rust when it develops so that you don't have to take more drastic measures to clean your armor.  If you keep up with minor rust, it will never become major rust and you'll never have to use a wire wheel and re-polish anything.

If you peruse this thread you'll see a lot of discussion on our different techniques for cleaning and maintaining rust-free armor (I use gray ultra fine scotch brite scrub pads and breakfree CLP firearm solvent/lubricant:,2074.0.html

Sir Hancz:
Thanks for your reply! It seems to me that maintaining armor is easy. Renaissance wax is not cheap, but it protects armor from rust, and makes it look shiny, so I really like it.


--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-11-03, 23:36:26 ---(I use gray ultra fine scotch brite scrub pads and breakfree CLP firearm solvent/lubricant:

--- End quote ---

LOL! I wondered if anyone else used CLP on their armor :) 

Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: scott2978 on 2014-11-04, 03:18:39 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-11-03, 23:36:26 ---(I use gray ultra fine scotch brite scrub pads and breakfree CLP firearm solvent/lubricant:

--- End quote ---

LOL! I wondered if anyone else used CLP on their armor :)

--- End quote ---

I converted to Break Free CLP this summer after the rust prevention tests by Custom Chainmail as well as many recommendations on this forum and others.

My kit consists of components acquired over 10 years that include varying quality of steels, exposure to the elements, and level of damage.  Thus far I’ve been very impressed with the results after using CLP!   :)


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