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Life as a medieval peasant

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Sir Douglas:
Good series indeed. I have the whole thing on DVD and his companion book. But yes, like anything dealing with the subject, there are bound to be some biases. Entertaining nonetheless. :)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-10-29, 15:15:28 ---I love the Monty Python gang, including Terry Jones (Sir Bedivere and many other characters in the Holy Grail), the host of 'Medieval Lives', but some of the Medieval Lives: The Knight episode is a bit one-sided.  He presents an interesting argument that knights were nothing but self-interested, fame-seeking, sex-crazed warmongers.  Like everything, the truth is usually somewhere between the two extreme points of view :)

Once he moves past that it gets a lot better.

He does spend a lot of time on the Marshal though :)

--- End quote ---

Your mentioning Monty Python brought to mind a comment I got from a young lady who saw me in partial harness at a company halloween party; she said she knew what I was thanks to MP and the HG and proceeded to give me a little bit of dialog to prove it.  I thought it was cute so then of course we started talking about the usual- swords, armor, collecting, LARPing, re-enacting.  Its nice when you can connect w/someone you thought of as strictly of the mundanes.  Inadvertently won the costume contest- I say inadvertently because I didn't enter it, a bunch of people wrote me in.  Was good for a week's parking in executive row (right by the building's entrance, covered pkg lot).


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