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Liner for cervelliere

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Sir Humphrey:
Pardon me if this is a silly question, but do we know how or if cervellieres were lined?  Did they sit right in top of the mail coif or was there some kind of lining between mail and plate?

Not a silly question. I too am curious.

Sir Edward:
I'm not 100% sure, but my understanding is that they usually were attached to the coif such that they replace the mail at the top of the head. It's like a helm with an aventail, except that the helm is very small and it's mostly aventail on your head. So with that, I would suspect that you'd wear it over an arming cap in a similar fashion to a coif.

But again, I'm not completely sure. Anyone, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I've found some photos that look like extant cerverllieres, but the photos have no information with them.  The photo does have small holes around the rim of the helmet which could have been used like on most bascinets as the points used to sew in a liner.  But without definitive information on the provenance of those photos, I have no idea.

The image in question, but unfortunately no information


Here's some better info:

This is a find ca.1250.  The holes are too far apart for a liner imo.  Probably for maille attachment?


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