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Longpoint 2015

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Sir Brian:
Well I registered today for the open steel longsword tournament. I tried to register for the Sword & Buckler but it was already filled.
After following this link:

it looks like after they add my name to that list there will only be 18 open longsword spots left. They might open more later if the schedule allows but this event is filling up REALLY quick! Best to get it while you can if anyone is interested in going!  :-\

--- Quote from: Winterfell on 2014-12-16, 19:30:24 ---Idea as to when exactly?
I cannot find a listing.
--- End quote ---

The event is July 23 ~ 26.

I am in the rapier tournament. Have not worked on long sword proper in a while.

Sir Wolf:
........thats what she said

Sir Edward:

It's a shame sword+blucker filled up so fast, I'd have liked to have done that. But I guess I would have needed to sign up 2+ weeks ago. So I signed up for open steel longsword. I expect to get my ass handed to me. :)

Sir Brian:
I will be content to just get past the first round pools! 84+ combatants is a LARGE pool to fight through!  :-\


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