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Thoughts regarding the SCA.
I don't have much experience with SCA folk and the little bit of experience I have had was negative so I've stayed away. A few years ago a friend thought that the SCA might be right up my alley and he was a former member who referred me to his local group (St. Louis). I went for a visit with my wife and kids and there were dozens of people in attendance. It was pretty neat to see everyone doing their respective things but we were largely ignored by everyone and when we approached people to try and talk about their group we were pointed in other directions. Someone finally spoke with us and explained the intricacies of the group and its dynamics but overall the people were very rude and unfriendly. This alone turned me off and I haven't returned. I live in a different town now and I know there is a smaller group here but due to my past experience I haven't attempted to reach out to them. This is all just my personal experience and I understand that this in no way is indicative of the SCA as an organization nor is it typical of all of its members. Perhaps I will reach out again whenever life isn't so busy. The fighting in the SCA doesn't appeal to me as I am more involved in HEMA but the community is what attracts me to the SCA.
Jason have you tried SCA Cut & Thrust?
No but I have heard that the SCA was doing steel rapier bouts. I don't have any experience with rapiers but that does sound interesting.
--- Quote from: jason77 on 2016-07-20, 02:54:35 ---No but I have heard that the SCA was doing steel rapier bouts. I don't have any experience with rapiers but that does sound interesting.
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They do. I know cause I'm certified to do it. There is even a Peerage for it.
Sir William:
--- Quote from: Sir Douglas on 2016-02-16, 05:59:06 ---
--- Quote from: AnsalonPaladin on 2016-01-02, 14:36:26 ---I'm sure there are some baronies that are snooty and up their own butts about stuff and that drives new folks away[...]
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I sort of had this experience with the SCA when I first looked into them, and it did indeed turn me away from it. If I had stuck with it and had gotten more involved, I'm sure I would have found that the good people outweigh the bad, but I dunno...for whatever reason I just didn't feel comfortable there. It's funny how any two given people can have completely different experiences with the same organization. But like you said, the SCA's a big enough organization that you get a pretty even mix of good and bad experiences.
But on the bright side, not sticking with the SCA set me off on my own path and eventually led me here, so that's a win in my book. :)
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Mirrors my first foray into SCA; the snootiness of same of the players were beyond rude. I felt then that my time was better spent elsewhere.
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